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Phillip Phlopp
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Post by Phillip Phlopp » Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:22 am

Directed by Peter Jackson who also directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the extraordinarily powerful They Shall Not Grow Old documentary about the First Unpleasantness has edited and put together the hundreds of hours of film recordings from an earlier documentary that followed the Fab Four's writing and rehearsing plus their performance on top of the Apple HQ in London.

If you don't like the Beatles then fair enoughski but it was compelling viewing that showed how a group of musicians put together an album along with squabbles and at one point a walk out by the Quiet One. Scraps of paper with scribbled lyrics were transformed into songs as chords and sequences were worked out.

It was also interesting to see how four very different characters interacted. From start to finish the Let It Be album was produced in three weeks despite loads of arsing about in the studio. John wasn't as snidey and sarky as I imagined him to be while Paul was overbearing and wanted stuff done his way. Ringo just smiled and nodded and George got pissed off and as I said walked out.

What was also interesting is how nicely what everyone spoke in those days... during the performance on top of the roof bystanders were asked what they thought and apart from a Cheerful Cockney Chappie most ordinary people had very posh received pronunciation.
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled"
- Mark Twain

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